The Life of a Plant Mom: The Replanting Process

I recently started the fun new adventure of taking care of plants! I bought two succulents, a Graptosedum Vera Higgins (left) and a Pachyveria Schedeckeri (right), and I think I understand children now. When I first bought them I did as much research as I could before I replanted them because I had no idea …

We All Looked Up

"The best books talk about the things you'd always thought about," this quote from We All Looked Up couldn't be more true. We All Looked Up by Tommy Wallach is a novel that hits terrifyingly close to home in the current world. Right off the bat, Wallach highlights the internal struggles of teenagers when they …

Every Last Word

Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone is an insanely intriguing read. I was captured by the book the moment I opened it. The main character, Sam, struggles with Purely-Obsessional OCD which was fascinating to read about because I knew close to nothing about it, but this book taught me so much. This book wasn't …

Books Are Addictive

I know I'm not the only one that feels this way, but whenever I start reading a good book it's so impossibly hard to stop. Books have this magic to them that just draws you in like a moth to a flame, it's strange. When reading a truly good book, the world just melts away …

When Life Gets Hard

Life is full of hard and concerning times that can mess up our schedules, relationships, and even the feeling of our own self-worth. When things get difficult it's hard to know how to deal with whatever crisis gets thrown your way. Here is a list of things to do when life gets hard and you …

Color, color, color

A while ago I saw a post on some social media page about how a person would explain colors to someone who is blind. How would a person go about doing that? I figured it is the perfect topic to start getting into at 11:00 at night. Starting with red. I think fire, heat, sharp, …

The Black Hole. . .

Weird title, I know, but that's what this section is going to be. A black hole of random things that come to my mind to write about. There's not much to this section really, it will mostly be things I think to write about at midnight and need to get out of my system, so …

Stepping Stones

Ahhh, the first piece of advice. . . relationships. I haven't been in very many relationships, but I have definitely learned a thing or two from the ones I've had (oops, now you know this is my life). Something that I learned is that, especially in high school, relationships are stepping stones. You may date …


Well this is technically my first post, so this is exciting! It is April 2nd, about four-ish months into the COVID-19 outbreak and about four weeks into social distancing where I am, and I finally found some time to keep going with this blog! Wow, a global pandemic will really help the world slow down …

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